Monday, February 3, 2014

Hitting a plateau and making changes

I know we've all been there. Working out like crazy , following a good diet and loosing weight like crazy and then BOOM! Nothing!
It makes you loose the motivation you had when you were seeing results and makes you feel like all your hard work isn't paying off . 
I hit that about a week ago so I complety understand. My advice to you is don't give up! Keep going but look at what your doing . 
How are your proportions? 
Are you eating enough protein?
Are you drinking enough water ? 
Are you not eating enough or maybe to much? 
Check your inches , you may be building muscle and that weighs more than fat. 

Weightloss really is a personal journey . No two people are going to react the same. I learned this early on from reading a book called The Plan. You could be eating completely healthy foods but gaining weight. Everybody's chemical makeup is different . Therefore your body will react different to different foods. 
If your eating a lot of something ( even if it's spinach) try replacing it for awhile and see if that helps. 
I got my "aha got ya" moment when I realized I wasn't eating enough fiber. I added a shakeology boost and that  got me rolling again. I officially dropped 2 Pds this week and got off the flatline ! 
Another big one is sleep and stress. I know those two are hard ones to fix! When it comes to my life I get maybe 6 hours of sleep because of work and my stresses with being overwhelmed go through the roof ! Sometimes you have to just completely disconnect from the world and breath . Try some yoga and a hot bath . Find your "happy place" and try and stay there . Again I know with family and jobs , this task is far harder then it sounds , but schedule it if you have to ! Plan an hour and make arrangements . YOU ARE WORTH IT! 

I hope this post was helpful. If your stuck in a rut and want some personal tips , contact me & let's talk ! I'm a free coach so all you have to loose is inches :) 

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