Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Story

      My Journey originally started in Nov. of 2013 . I decided to start after following a high school friends journey on Facebook and seeing her amazing results. I knew I had to do this for myself. I got in touch with her and she showed me what I had to do. After signing up for a free account on and looking at the prices I quickly got discouraged .  I didn't have the extra money to invest into the products.
    After thinking about it constantly for about a week I knew I could figure out a better way. I started looking online and asking around. Eventually I found a friend who had bought the dvds and  I started with a copy of Insanity that I burned and Gnc Shakes. I went strong for about a week and I wont lie I quickly gave up .  I lost a few pounds but I just didn't have the motivation and support  I needed and I still wasn't able to give up my sweets.
Fast Forward to about 2 months later I still wasn't happy with myself and my last method had not obviously worked .  I got back in contact with my coach and told her I had to do this the right way.  I purchased my challenge pack in Jan of 2014 and made myself the promise I would find a way to make it work.
    Within a few days of drinking Shakeology I seen a HUGE difference. My sweets cravings were gone, I wasn't bloated anymore and I actually liked the taste of it (didn't taste like flavored chalk) . By me giving up my one iced coffee a day (about $4a day) I was able to pay for my shakes. In 4 months I was down almost 30 pounds! I regained my confidence and I felt amazing! I was wearing clothes that were smaller then I wore in high school.
    I made one MAJOR mistake. I stopped . I was comfortable and thought I could go back to my old ways and Id be fine. It worked for awhile , I regained a few pounds but nothing major . Then BAM  next time I looked at the scale I was over the weight I originally started at. All that gained confidence was out the window. I had gained IBS and constantly felt tired.

    I know that's not the happy ending anyone expected or wanted to hear, but it was a lesson learned. A Diet is not a fad it is a lifestyle. I knew I couldn't sit here and cry I needed to put on my big girl panties and stick with it. 

    In Oct. 2015 I rejoined Beachbody and started out with the CIZE  program and shakeology.  With the support from my challenge group and the motivation of my coach, I lost 11 pounds and 16 inches in less then 30 days.  I slowly started to regain my confidence and my motivation was at all time high.

I quickly joined as a coach. I let my failures drive me . I wanted to help others who had suffered the same struggles as I did. I wanted to be proof you can be the  best you!


    I just finished my first round of the 21 day fix with shakeology and I love it! The containers make it so easy to figure out your portions and I could pretty much eat anything I wanted . I lost 12 pds and 15 inches :)  I will be starting my 2nd round shortly and look forward to even more results !

Ready to start your story?  Fill out the form below and lets get it started !
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