Thursday, January 14, 2016

Post surgery / Day 1 refresh

AII can not express how much I HATE the dentist . Just the thought of someone working in that little space and I can't see them gives me full blown anxiety! Anyone else feel my pain?
With that being said ... I MADE IT! Lol I'm hurting pretty badly though . I'll spare you the details of the surgery but let's just say the sound of my bone cracking is not something I ever want to hear again! 
It definitely gave me a get out of work and workout free card ! But instead of taking the easy road I decided to do a 3 day refresh .  
I'm limited on solid foods so this will be perfect to keep me on track with my goals and I'll still be getting the nutrients my body needs to heal . Win/Win! 

So what is the 3 day refresh you ask?  Let me tell you about this little miracle box :)
It's a 3 day cleanse that helps you jump start your weightloss and dump those bad cravings ... And the best part .. You don't go hungry! If you haven't checked out my recipes you should and you can see my refresh veggies that are absolutely A-mazing!

Last Refresh I lost 5 pds and 8 inches . I'm hoping this go around for the same results !  Check back in 3 days for my before and after photos!
Ready to jump start your journey and begin a brand new lifestyle?   Fill out and submit the form below to be considered for my next group !

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